Saturday, August 4, 2012


this is a hydra mount it's a three person mount. How to get one? buy a hoard of the hydra pack. ( fair warning you will not get one probably) Don't have crowns? That's ok just add a friend who has a hydra ask to be in their group and they might invite you on if one the bottom of the chat menu it might say EX. "Jeffery Goldblood is riding a hydra mount (permanent) Hop on Board!" If or when that happens just go over to the hydra and when it says "Hydra click or press x to go on" click or press x after that your on the person who own the hydra drives not you if you use your arrow keys you'll get dismounted.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

battle stratigies

OK here are a few hints on battling 1. this is a power pip for YOUR SCHOOL ONLY it counts as two pips.(picture below or above) 2. this is the amount of an enemy's health  3. this is the chance of a spell fizzling the lower the number the more chance of a fizzle that's all for now i hope this helps.


so i was um "glitching" with my friend the thing is i have no clue how i did it D: here's a pic.